"A meal without some cheese is like a beautiful woman with only one eye.”- said the famous gastronome and cookery writer Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin. Henry Androuet, well known for his important cheese production, chose a triple cream cheese to name after him in the 1930s, in honor of the man who recommended the consumption of cheese at every meal. Slightly neutral when it is fresh, this cheese can develop a pronounced taste if well matured. Its taste is soft and creamy.Slightly neutral when it is fresh, this cheese can develop a pronounced taste if well matured. Its taste is soft and creamy. During the maturing period, this cheese covers with a soft white velvet. Then small orange particles can appear...
Country of origin: Champagne Region, North-East France
Producer:Tradition Briarde
Portion Size: 100 Gr
Stuff to consider: Pasteurized cow's milk, lactose